Workshops with Children
At Maybird Training our tutors have early years educator qualifications and DBS checks. We offer the following 'mini' workshops directly with children in Early Years, childcare, childminding settings, afterschool clubs and youth services. Prices range from £30-£50 per session
Please get in touch to discuss your requirements
Age-appropriate First Aid classes for children aged 3-4 yrs
More accidents happen at home than anywhere else (RoSPA, 2019). Would the children at your setting know what to do if mummy, daddy or granny had an accident at home?
Delivered by our DBS-checked Early Years First Aiders, our fun-packed 1 hour First Aid classes for Early Years settings are suitable for children aged 3-4.
With links to the EYFS, children learn about:
Their bodies and what happens when they are poorly or when they get an 'ouchie'.
How to ring 999 and speak to the very kind operator.
How to remember their address, postcode and telephone number.
How to help poorly people roll on to their side.
Children enjoy safely exploring the contents of a first aid box and using allergen free plasters and bandages on "Ouchie" our accident-prone teddy bear.
Children explore these concepts through fun stories and role play.
Includes a resource list and EYFS activity plans for early years settings to reinforce learning after the class.
After the class, children will receive an exciting, personalised certificate of attendance.
Please get in touch to discuss your requirements
Age-appropriate First Aid classes for children aged 5-11 yrs
Focusing on situations children aged 5-11 are likely to encounter, this 2 hour class emphasises the importance of recognising dangerous situations and the importance of shouting for help or calling 999 if there is no-one to help them.
With links to the new National Curriculum (Health Education), we use St John's Ambulance approved recourses to help children learn and practice:
How to check for danger, response, airways, breathing and circulation (DRABC)
How to remember your address, postcode and phone number
How to roll poorly people onto their side (recovery position)
What's in a first aid kit?
How to help in the case of:
Asthma attacks
Burns and scalds
Nose bleeds
Bumped heads
Sprains and breaks
Allergic reactions
Chest pain
After the class, children will receive a personalised certificate of attendance and a child friendly 'In Case of Emergency Poster'.
Please get in touch to discuss your requirements