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Our Mission, Vision, Principles and Culture

Our Mission

Through committed, active partnership with employers, we work to meet the identified skills needs currently of greatest priority by offering exemplary, flexible and individualised critical worker training provision of the highest quality.

Our Vision

To close the identified skills gaps currently of greatest priority by offering exemplary critical worker training provision of the highest quality, demonstrated through empirically measured quality indicators, sustained high performance and ongoing, proven excellence.

To provide excellent individualised initial information, advice and guidance to learners and apprentices that inspires and empowers them to achieve their career potential whilst igniting or reigniting their passion within their chosen critical worker sector.

To form powerful, committed and meaningful partnerships with employers to offer extraordinary, individualised, flexible programmes and training plans that are not only developed with the active involvement of the employer but are also tailored to the individual needs of learners, critical workers and apprentices whilst preparing them for future success and employment within the wider sector of their chosen critical worker occupation.

To provide excellent training and the expected level of English and Maths by exceptional, occupational experts with the most up-to-the-minute knowledge of industry requirements and functional skills who can teach new knowledge, skills and behaviours based on thorough, highly effective initial assessments as well as inspire, stretch and challenge learners and apprentices from the start of their apprenticeship or course, right through to end-point assessment where apprentices show confidence and readiness to exhibit their expertise.

Our Principles

The following values remain at the absolute heart of our training provision, forming an uncompromising thread that runs through everything we do.

  • Exceptional quality

  • Meaningful partnerships with employers

  • Apprentice/learner-centred delivery

  • Readiness for long term employment and/or progression

  • Openness, honesty and transparency

Our Culture

Our values have been developed to reflect the company mission and ensure that the apprentice or learner is centre to all services, strategies and curriculum offer. This is essential to ensure that our provision supports both individual progress and meets industry workforce requirements. To achieve this we will ensure that openness, honesty and transparency underpin all services, advice, guidance and partnerships with employers and stakeholders.

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