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Parents and Carers of Learners and
Apprentices under 18 years

At Maybird Training, we take the safeguarding of learners and apprentices very seriously.


To support the safeguarding of your child, we have the following measures in place:

  • All training staff have had a DBS check before they start their role. This checks for any criminal records and ensures that staff are safe to work with learners.

  • All staff are also subject to robust recruitment and vetting processes to safeguard learners. 

  • Your child's tutor and any other staff involved in your child's training will introduce themselves to you, and this provides  you with a point of contact if you have any queries about your child's training or concerns about their welfare or wellbeing.

  • We will obtain your email address  to ensure that we can keep you informed about your child's  training and will provide you with access to training activities and any online activities that we carry out with your child, including websites that are used within their training.

  • We have robust filtering and monitoring software on any Maybird Training devices that your child may have access to during training, this will monitor for and protect your children from obscene or harmful content on the internet. Any violations are addressed under our safeguarding policy and procedure to safeguard all involved. 

If you have any concerns about your child's welfare or safety please do not hesitate to contact the Designated Safeguarding Lead or Designated Safeguarding Officer on:


Claire Piper (DSL)


Sonya McPherson- Hills (DSO)


Or via our online form

For further information please see our safeguarding and protection of children and vulnerable adults policy and procedure here.  

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